All Products are now silica free

following government requirements

Extensive range of products and designs

to suit all tastes and budgets

Affordable, quality stone installations

Direct from the manufacturer

Stone Suppliers - BMC Stone bathroom vanity and surrounds

Extensive range of products and designs

to suit all tastes and budgets

Overview of our products…

Vmarble Pty Ltd T/as BMC Stone is proud to offer the finest product range that is sourced from Australia’s most reputable Marble, Granite and Engineered Stone suppliers. All our projects are manufactured right here in Australia. We proudly employ local people and support the Australian manufacturing industry.

Our promise…

When you purchase from Vmarble Pty Ltd T/as BMC Stone, you can be assured you will receive the upmost professional service. Our stone suppliers sales team with their extensive product knowledge will help guide you on the latest stone design concepts and modern trends current in the market making a smooth transition from initial contact through to the final installation.

All products are now silica free

following government requirements

Engineered / designed stone

We supply and install stone benchtops for kitchens, bathrooms, laundry and entertaining areas.

Engineered / designed stone in detail

Unlike natural stone, engineered stone is made from quartz crystals held together with a resin binder. They have a similar appearance to natural stone, but they possess benefits not available with natural materials.

The difference you notice in engineered materials is the colour and patterns(veins) which are more uniform or consistent, more so than the variations found in most slabs of natural stone, in most cases engineered stone can be more cost effective.

Our stone suppliers ensure the best-Engineered stone which provides clients greater control over specific colours, designs and finishes. The advantage when choosing engineered stone is it allows you to create a luxurious, modern look whilst capturing the feel and look of natural stone. Engineered stone is durable, long lasting and requires minimal care and maintenance.


We have access to a large range of splash-backs to suit any decor and any area around your premises

Stone Suppliers

Granite in detail

Granite is a natural stone, quarried from large igneous stone deposits found around the world. The stone is naturally quite rough and textured, but when it is ground and polished it takes on a smooth surface with rich lustre.

The variations throughout the stone are considered desirable since they give the slab character and differentiate it from others. For this reason, it is important to select slabs quarried from the same stone to ensure that the colour and amount of veining are similar.


We have access to a large range of splash-backs to suit any decor and any area around your premises

Stone Suppliers

Marble in detail

Marble is a metamorphic rock containing a high concentration of calcite or dolomite. There are many variations of marble based on the minerals which give it colour and veining.

Marble varies in the size of the grains and the amount of veining, so stone quarried from different parts of the world have a unique appearance. Fine-grained marble tends to be more consistent in colour. Heavier grains produce more variation in colour.